Arrivano le preview Netflix per gli smartphone

Luca Viscardi19 Aprile 2018
preview Netflix per gli smartphone

Arrivano le preview Netflix per gli smartphone, un modo innovativo per vedere i trailer delle nuove produzioni senza nemmeno dover girare il telefono. Può sembrare qualcosa di particolarmente futile, ma in realtà per i clienti di Netflix è un’idea curiosa per conoscere i nuovi prodotti in modo immediato ed efficace.

Aprendo l’applicazione sarà possibile visualizzare filmati di 30 secondi, che sono tagliati in verticale, per cui non sarà nemmeno necessario girare il telefono per visualizzarli.

Per ora questa opzione è un’esclusiva di iOS, ma presto sarà disponibile anche per i clienti Android.


Preview Netflix per gli smartphone: il post ufficiale

One of the best ways to know if you’ll like a new series or movie is to watch a quick trailer. Today, we are excited to introduce mobile previews (launching today on iOS and coming soon to Android) to the mobile experience. Mobile previews present members with a fun, simple, and easy way to learn about all the new content on Netflix — and find something great to watch even faster.

Each preview is about 30 seconds long and presented in a vertical format, so you can watch them without turning your phone. The previews are shown like a slideshow, so if you see something you like, you can tap play or add to your list. If not, you can swipe or tap the screen to advance to the next preview.

Last year, we introduced video previews to the TV experience, which brought dynamic and engaging video to the TV interface. Years of testing has made it clear that video previews help our members browse less and discover new content more quickly. With the launch of mobile previews, we are bringing a video browse experience to your mobile phone in a fun and mobile-optimized way.

Mobile previews load very quickly, are personalized to your specific tastes, and are easy to use. We hope you like using this new feature and that mobile previews help you find your next favorite show!

-Cameron Johnson, Director of Product Innovation

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